Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Discussion questions for 3/29

In talking about the positive impacts of the CMP, Lee says, “Although this may seem commonplace, it was not uncommon to walk through the halls of this high school and look through the windows of classrooms to see teachers lecturing to students who were sleeping with heads on their desks or who were looking out the window or talking to other students” (116).  Can a single subject teacher alone change the mindset of a student who may not be on a positive trajectory?  To what extent does it take the entire school community? Does culture change in a school happen from top-down, bottom-up, or both?

After showcasing the higher order thinking skills in which students engage through the Cultural Modeling Project, on page 105 Lee notes that many of these students have traditionally performed poorly on standardized tests.  On page 119 Lee talks about Lisa Delplit’s research and the importance of teaching explicitly. Lee notes that the CMP strives to teach explicitly.  Do you see any examples of explicit instruction in the CMP?  How do you think explicit instruction changes the dynamic of the classroom, community, and conversations?  Is there a connection between explicit instruction and performance on standardized tests? 

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